I have written a few books on line.  This gives me instant feed back, and I know some like to see the book develop...  or so my writer's ego says.   I of course edit and make changes from what is in here in the final manuscript.   I like to be poetic in my prose in the end, spend a lot of time on things, but the internet has given me too much lee way to publish what editors might call unfinished. 

This book is about Jesus, as was one of my others, and he narrates.  He is little like the myths laid on his shoulders over the years, though there are terrifying aspects to him as a creature not of this world, exactly.... he is not even sure what he is, though he is sure that he does not care.   This book will take place twenty five years from now, basically, though I will not use a time frame in the book … because who knows?   Jesus is back for the apocalypse, humanity just never imagined they would cause it themselves... or as a scientist I recently read put forth, possibly industrialization happens on most planets through out the stars with the rise of intelligent being, and kills them.   Kind of ironic, but God is very ironic, to me.  

I have another book which will come out before this one, where Jesus leads a revolution, in the US, after fascists take over.  He has powers in that one, which confuse him, are hard to control... he wrestles a lot with being the one who brings on the apocalypse, etc.   This is another dimension for this character, where while still a warrior, the worst of the fighting is over, and they are watching the world die, fighting off the impulses of the wicked toward slavery, cannibalism, and other crimes of the new times.  He leads a large movement that is trying to help the migrants, etc... provide safe passage for the oppressed, into a four state zone around the great lakes, which they have fortified.

I am early on in the process, and the character will develop on his own, but he will not be able to rely on his Father for help.  This is his moment on the ultimate cross, dying with all the rest of the sinners -- and he does sin, though not as much as most and trivial for the most part, part of learning the consequences of behavior, etc...  can't learn without making mistakes.   

The title is the 'working' first sentence of the book  As good a summation of what is to come as I can pack into one sentence.   He will write his sermons, which he refuses any religion to claim,  clearly states he is going to be wrong, misinformed, in learn of schooling -- which he loves...  not a man who gives orders.  Suggestions when asked that sometimes are worth looking at, and sometimes I don't know enough to have an intelligent answer, though I try anyways.  Which are ignored for better ideas.

The point is the mission not following orders.  Part of the mission is to refuse to follow orders, to fight for ideals that only exist when we create and enforce them, and our lives, and quality of lives, will depend on universal agreement on a few small matters.   The golden rule will be the only religion I encourage.  And I would make exceptions to that to be merciful if given the choice --however, if establishing and enforcing a precedent requires taking this to a carress for a carress, a kill for a kill, I will use overwhelming ten to one methods to stop perp.'s.   After that most things I do not give a damn about and …  would rather turn the other cheek...  just to avoid the stupidity of violence.  Other people getting hit in front of me though...   I heard and believe now, I care more about the lives of others than my own, not that I do not care about my own.  I am useful to God in the flesh.  

I do not have a lust for life anymore personally....   but I want this Jesus to encourage it.   I used to play characters on a radio show, comedy, and would go in depressed sometimes with no weed and not enough pain pills for my spinal condition, and the audience would fucking love what I did.  The pain helped.  Irony again.  People laugh at suffering, like the old slapstick movies, and cartoons when I was a kid which involved a cat and a mouse forever fighting, a coyote and a road runner forever fighting, and all kinds of violence.   I have a childhood memory of the moment I realized the tv did things you cannot do in real life.  It was confusing to me then.  Though I caught on.  An epiphany in my cranium. 

I wanted to write an introduction before I launch into the story.   If you wish to read from the back to the front, you will get the progression of the work, and he will do a lot of second person and first person writing, just trying to explain what happened...  I will drop into narratives of what has lead to that point, etc...  I look forward to having a book that is more about peace and love and  a leader who is basically working in a mental triage unit during the end of the world, when eventually everyone above ground will be a victim in a decade.   He does the sermons on the radio,  Very precarious position with the government who would like to kill him, though he is feeding refugees, giving people even atheist words of inspiration, trying to bring out their better sides.   In this I will give some of the meditations I have learned, that use a group leader, and taping them....  telling the reader of the book to go to a site to hear them read...  that would be a nice connection.  People could do it or not, keep reading... whatever.  

I have many other blogs, for various reasons.  I work in intelligence, and yes a lot of my writing has been used by them, and myself, in that world which my writing was my ignored strength.   This one is entirely different, with a web address under my name.  Should you google me and wish to read what I have written on this topic, I recommend checking out my open facebook feed, in the notes...   I was writing very revolutionary work, then was off line ten months being interrogated by the fbi for mass murder.

That sort of thing will not be in this book.   One book new people might want to see is Waking Up Jesus, about when my personality was 'adjusted for a mission,' as my CIA files read.  I give this away at lulu, along with the atheistic comedy I was writing before they did this, to use me in operation Bluebeam.  That is a book too dangerous to write.   I did take a loyalty oath but I BREAK some of it, only, and am very clear to that crowd that I will not name names etc...   I would not anyways, because I worked with famous people in tv and movies;   my radio show made me very popular, but this was intelligence work;  the CIA and others control the media, with sometimes competing interests, though usually they agree.  An exception is the Union owned SUN TIMES in Chicago, which took a lot of work to pull off.  ALL the rest are owned by a few billionaires.  I am a strong believer that collective bargaining needs to be strengthened mightily in this country, and around the world.

THIS NEW BOOK will not be an expose on that...  the book that will come out before this one, THE PROPHESIES OF THE GOD OF MANY MASKS, does do all of that, in a fictionalized way.  Just like waking up jesus has fictional elements, but that is mostly because I did not know very much about intelligence when I wrote that book -- nothing compared tot now that I have been involved enough to draw enough blood to forever stain my face red.
