Sermons on The Apocolypse

    We see science now saying we are going into an end times, for most.   I am not going to mix politics with religion on this.  I am not going to say this was seen by bible prophets, etc...  I like most think they were using metaphors, talking about specific events -- like perhaps a flood where a man had to save his herd, rather than his neighbors, to survive a flood.  Then it became people actually thinking a man put all these animals on a ship... and it becomes ridiculous.

    Most of what I call old salt is possibly biblical interpretation, to make the least of the heresies I will expound on.  I will also admit my ignorance, and always keep in mind that all man's knowledge is foolishness to God, as a particularly  intelligent person somehow got in the bible.   The Jesus part of me believes I left myself clues, passages that I allowed no one to change, though allowing the free will to interpret them however...   reminders to myself of who I am.   As a child, I feared somehow suddenly becoming someone else, and not remembering who I was.  Now that I know about reincarnation I realize why...  I knew as a child about a few things that I had no place for yet in my cosmology.

    I cannot see the times ahead except through the lenses of science, and that alone is where we must start.  I READ a scientist today saying it might be possible to stop climatic changes on our planet, but the will is not there.  And creating this will is not their job..  So whose is it?   Everyone who has the facilities and abilities to fight this.  Not in these lame ass ways that the tools have been telling you;  the problems center on the military industrial complex, and the current batch of politicians being bought out by industries that expect to get to pollute their way into a gas mask world where they plan on selling oxygen, and their stocks are high because they have such a visionary ceo….  ugh.

I live now a life of one who mine enemies and my fate and Father who art in Heaven humiliated me before the world by filming me day and night without telling me why and using my life to inspire television and even movies.   I thought for the longest time that tv shows like SUPERNATURAL were using my writing, and emphasizing it with their usual violence.   It never occurred to me they were telling me a truth.  Describing the times, the danger.   That we were fighting together for something.  I could not understand when they would have my writing or words in their scripts coming from evil characters, never seeing myself as that...  I always thought if they fought with me, they must be cool.   But I did not know they were actually fighting, and when I found out I was too ill informed to give them good advice... another reason people always need to be able to think for themselves.  CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS should be taught in boot camp.  When and when not to act in a military manner, despite your orders, or in spite of them.

Another great surprise to me was the people who were punished, or the rise of the evil angel class, or whatever.   Abusers whom I empowered.  I would never have done this had I known and I thank God for those who stopped this and pray to God and rage and mourn for those who were harmed, raped...  sold.  Human beings are always priceless.  Their feelings are worth a hell of a lot, too.  I fought demons in my televisions, never seeing people looking for direction, or in pain....  waiting for me to end a world when I told you over and over that was not up to me?   I feel for all of you, and there is nothing I can ever do to make this up to you.  Though I would never have allowed this to happen had I been informed, as is the case with so many other things.

I have often felt blamed for not taking the revolution by the horns and making fundamental changes... the easy answer is, I would not have been allowed to, or I had no idea they would if I asked.

I cannot keep bringing this up, and I must always bring this up.   For the sake of remembering, and for the sake of knowing those who used us to kill are still out there, they are still wrong or they could approach people with logic, instead of bully...  and kill, and rape minds and bodies.   I do apologize to those who have to skim or trudge your way thru my repeating myself, a habit picked up from writing on social media, where I never knew if someone knew anything or not when they came to my feed, so I constantly introduced myself.  I know this is kind of stupid in retrospect...

I am very concerned that no plans are being considered for ways to deal with the possible collapse of society, and the climate.   If this is indeed even half as bad as predicted, we need to set up a safe harbor in Chicago for the unionists, progressives, and all.   Preservation over life and property transcends politics.  Issues as bi partisan as eating and breathing.  No room to argue issues.  The others we can work out after between the battles that keep us alive.  And human.  Gracious, and giving.   We can be a beacon in the darkness, where any and all are welcome, where humanity is one family, regardless of their beliefs.   I do not care what goes on in your mind, your behavior counts, just like the law.   I NEVER want someone telling me I must think and live this way....  I WOULD never break the golden rule on this one… and no the new golden rule is not who has the most gold rules.

Other cities and countryside areas need to do the same as Chicago.  We will get an influx of internal refugees...   we need to understand where farming will collapse, and be ready with other food sources, preferably vegetarian in nature, and hemp based... lol.   We need tot break thru our own denial more and more, without damaging ourselves, giving into a world where it seems like noting matters.  Things are going to matter, to many, more than they have ever meant before in the coming times..   Diss the government all you want, or the cops,  but you love the roads and they do actually risk their lives and die trying to stop crime, and obviously the job does not always bring out the best in people, though sometimes it does.  I am never willing to give up on an entire culture.   I KNOW there are problems, but again, I think they would evaporate if people were not so desperate for money;  there really is no reason for every one to work any ways, or more than a few hours a week, at most jobs.... and life should be about leisure.   Again, they call me a socialist, and I have identified that way for sure, but always I tried to qualify....

I  know what I am talking about is in a time that seems far away, fifty years from now, when the coasts are flooding, and the south can no longer grow food as it becomes arid desert and they need fresh water, and come towards the great lakes... as theirs are used up.... aquifers emptied by the lack of rain for decades.

We cannot fit the world into the post climate existence on this planet, deep underground, where the last of the humans will try to carry on... always like to add I hope to God they plan on launching off a few dozen folk at least into space, with some self perpetuation situation, just out of pure hope.  But...  who knows?   Unless since this mess is their fault, we make their victory pyrrhic.... which also would leave no vile lives to trap any more souls on this planet.   What a bummer that will be.   Everyone goes off the heaven and you somehow get caught in this gravity that sucks you down into the mind of a babe, which forgets who you have been, blanks, mostly...   that deserves a short story and I will give it a meme.

I wish to do what is right and finish my mission at the same time.  I do not want unnecessary death or cruelty or the stealing of wills.  I am not fighting you are.   You know better than I what needs to be done in your neck of the woods.

I want to be a missionary without a religion.  I am not a Holy Man, and could not believe that day, in my apartment, as I cleaned up, I found a scrap of a story about a holy man that was me...  I was astounded... it said, we asked a holy man what to do and he said get a dog.   I KNEW a lot of people were getting dogs, and this meant something in the underground.  I did not know Dogs would become a distinction used in the shadow war for a faction I was associated with, before I understood what they were doing.  Now I want peace with them, do not get me wrong.... a war ends, the soldier inside has to die, too.  People must make peace with one another, and where there is hate let there be understanding, lessons learned, and never agains. The dogs do not like mixed marriage which is not something I would support at all, let alone violently, as some did.  A zebra hunter proudly introduced himself at one point.   They thought I was for a few days.   Horrifying what one woman did, murdering her children because I was misunderstood and never asked.  When I realized what you were asking I once again wondered what kind of cretin do you think I am?

I am an educated liberal, and I have always been.  My wanting people to like me, and possibly free me and let me know what was going on, caused me to appear otherwise.  Let alone the race war.  All of this killing is not what I had in mind.  I did mean to kill until this planet is safe.  I meant that, at the time.  Now I know better than to think people would make the right decisions about such matters.....  I heard again the other day on supernatural how Castiel, when he thought he was God, though he was just an angel, and he started killing people, like hypocritical preachers, and self help people, all because I criticized them on my blog. I watched the episode again recently and heard dean say the two hundred were killed, which probably meant a lot more.  I had written a poem, early on, about Jerry Fallwell that called for getting rid of him;   he said that Jesus came from a rich family, which really pissed me off, this being a couple months after the brainwashing, and then being made homeless so the world could see the new Jesus...  and then laying in bed a month wondering what the fuck was going on in this world?   I found out much later he died.... and Marlo Thomas, now dead, and this was in 07, came on tv and said fallwell was a good man and she knew him, then a guy was preaching behind a purple pulpit that had kill Jerry Fallwell written on the front, making me laugh, but then I said, hey, I have a weird sense of humor -- they were taping me at this point and filming me, so I just spoke to the bugs....  so I said OH, NO, YOU SHOULD NEVER HARM A PREACHER...  I mean I hated the guy with a passion, totally used the name of Christ tin evil ways, and his family continues to as well.  The poor students.  I could have had the gone too, or the school torn apart, back then.

I DID not want any of those things.   I expected leaders to rise around the country, not an established operation bluebeam, which I had never heard of before they drafted me, having basically never cared for conspiracy theories....  or not since high school, though I DID use a character based on Gary Webb, who the cia murdered... that was very angry toward the cia... one girl said she was shaking with anger afterwards.   She saw some of the violence, an underground contact before I knew such people were all around me.   When they have invested hundreds of millions, at least, into a project to take over the world, and almost succeed, they do not give up easily...  and they took few chances with me, inserted spies into my life, who outwitted me, even though I noticed their odd behavior at the tie, only when I was able to get classified intelligence did I learn everyone around me was involved in something, practically.   Then all these things made sense.  Amazing.

This is supposed to be a sermon about the end of the world, about going out with dignity rather than disdain, keeping humanity from breaking down, as much as possible, in a large an area as possible, around the great lakes, I believe, though I do know everything and am open to suggestions

Well, I watch the general advertisement, which used to have a penguin, which they used for Mexicans, who from a short story I wrote, and a statement I made, people mistook me for saying they and the pope were the Chosen people.... but this was just a story, and I used the pope because there is always a pope, and it would not age... which was the point of so many years of my writing that it comes out unbidden.

I AM NOT against the Catholic Church and wish them well, and pray they will instigate the reforms needed to continue their mission as the heart of spirituality and family for so many.  I cannot abide by the doctrines of any church though I know my God loves me, and that one day, perhaps...   my mission will end me and I will join everyone in heaven.  If that is how it works... who knows?   I know it was great in the reoccurring dream I had as a child of being a spirit floating in space, enjoying a warm feeling of Curiosity, content, then being abruptly yanked down to earth, seeing it all as I went into the blue planet and down into the tiny town of Garrett, Indiana...  to one of the oddest lives ever lived, I think I can say pretty much.  ODD. Maybe there are many like me brainwashed ad used by the agencies?  I do not know of but a few.  None achieved anything like I have, just had their credibility as whistle blowers destroyed by being turned into transvestite, Jeusus's.   English, m-15, if you want to look them up   They had a cult too, which like mine, would have made me rich if I was that kind of person which I am not.

I have proposed escape, and was mocked, shown different people killing my effigy --  the entire Jessica Jones first episode is about me.  I hardly had control over all those people.  The purple jacket represents royalty.  My friends and allies, one of them, were the gays -- I hope they still are because no matter what they do, I will not hat them.  No matter what they think I did to the, or that I did, will make me meet you hate for hate.   I will fight for you, as you fought for me.  We just must remember all people need justice, or someone will come along and abuse the system, take away the justice and control of as many as possible.   I AM NOT that person... never was, never will be.

I am told millions and millions are back at the bugs, perhaps wanting to see an alien, or a Christ, or a revolutionary, or....  I surely do not get it...     I assume they wish me to do what they asked before, GO OUT THERE AND KILL THEM.  I am not sure what is going on requires this kind of horror show, hope not.  I do not know what you wish me to speak on, and I have people here now.   I would refer the written word.  Not as exciting as me all stoned and painting or whatever, but I am attempting to leave most of that behind.

I used to be in a dream filled with laughter at all things, making violence a topic of sport....  then I discovered the real thing and my own work seemed like an enemy.   Now evidently I am needed for something, and for this reason I am here for you....  I do not have a show for you.   I am not a performing monkey in a zoo.  I will write and live as I always do, though I do wish to STRIVE for more.  God Bless....

 I had no idea the echoes that would flow out from my words, the bloody interpreters giving the orders.  Had no idea what or where you were.   I was honestly surprised as hell when I heard on the news something about I was killing my first eagle.   I knew I was known as a killer.   Later in the day I found out Eagles are politicians.   One had insulted me, a powerful one, but my friends were more powerful than the white house.
