Supernatural's Apocolypse... will it be avoided again?

Every show fears the apocalypse, though the word only means Great Time Of Change, not the end of time, etc.  I fear there has been plenty of emotional stock placed into the word over the years, as generation after cultic generation, saw people proclaim this was coming and it did not, yet the same words rang true for each new generation, Oh the end is here.

Now we are there.  My mission to see resources changed, and seize the means of production, as they say, or taxing them into responsible citizens, whatever...  the same end comes.  We must be the saviors here, because the government is working for interests who do not care about what happens to the masses.  All people, rich and poor, old and young.  They must be our concern despite their beliefs or their pasts, our prejudices or theirs.  Such things should become meaningless, the stuff of dusty history books.  I doubt we will live long enough to see all people agree on everything, so those who care the most, and are willing to do whatever it takes, will have to take charge now.   A mission of going out dignity.  Damn.  I am against suicide, and I FEAR suicide cults and all cults, of course.  THINK FOR YOURSELF.  Grant everyone the respect of knowing they might be wrong, whether they admit it or not.

Am I to write scripture for a new age?  Am I too bloodied by this war to continue?  I think of how they talked of my being famous, and it all seems like a head game to me.   Occasionally people pop up who tell me I am much better known than I think, or whatever.

Now I am given evidence my so called enemies.  I do not want any enemies.  I want allies.  I have some, I guess.  People who believe in me, as something or another.  I do have your best interests at heart, all of you.  I once said I LOVE EVERYONE...  I thought that was understood about me.  I care about people, have always liked them, often despite grave misgivings that have proven well founded.  Never stopped me.

I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS WORLD to fill me with hate.  God is just love, a force we gravitate toward in spirit.  I feel this is true.  I do not need any other religious trappings.  I believe this fully and completely, and to act in the name of this love is something that is required for me to live with myself, somehow.  I have never wanted to be a thief, or a liar, or any or many things some people do.

I am a material threat to a great power.  An offensive position, from a defendable to the max headquarters?   A dream you came up with to have an enemy.

Proof enough has been shown me.  I cannot disbelieve we are a nuclear power without turning my head once more into the corner.  Trying to ignore what is happening in this room. I have learned over the years only constant distractions can do this properly.

I never see any of this and resent as much, to a degree.  On the other hand, allowing myself the public ridicule easily associated with the way I acted before your cameras.  How sickened I am by it all.  Why I did not know what I know now.  How much better off the world would have been had I not been cut off from real communication.   I cannot say that enough for my own sake....  I apologize to those who have to read me write the same things over and over for years at a time.  To think you watched me expecting words from a demon, to torture... act monstrous.   I would not have done these things...  had I known just a bit more.  I have had to build entire libraries around a few sentences.

Battlefields from hints on tv commercials about letting soldiers be slaughtered.  When I do not even know what the fuck they are talking about, and to this day only speculate.

Before I was trying to discover what was happening in this world.  In the end did not even know why God gave me the visions he seems to have, or what I indeed was.  I am not ridiculous enough to discount that I was brainwashed by the best of them, for three days, and my mind has been profoundly effected.

Do what you will to me now...  I will act as I have pretty much my entire life, I suppose.  I am not a person who wishes that others take my word as gospel, obviously, though sounding the alarm, screaming fire in this theater, is way too long ignored for everyone to suddenly look around at the flames, panic and run for the exits.    We sit in a theater.  Fire is consuming the curtains.  No one wants to YELL FIRE and be the first to spoil the fun.  Then, the first who does is shushed down.  When the screen is consumed there is no ignoringe crush one another in a rush for the exits.

I fear religious natures.  Fear the mindset

Well, sadly, it is and working out the details is going to require more of a level of co-operation than some can only be forced into.

I cannot see how anyone can conceive of how to handle this, without expertise in numerous areas placed in charge, direct science using force.  The place of the spirit is well behind science, though can hold this together in ways, grant ethics meaning, to those who could care less about a being in the sky, or God.  Hungry, afraid, seeking something to get them high/distract from the reality, the fires burning.
