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    There will be two worlds.  Those left behind, not by a God judging them on whether their upbringing or genes turned them into whatever, but by the oligarchy.  Much less romantic, but mythic none-the-less.  I wonder if they would have tried that, said they had went to heaven then locked the doors....     We cannot afford to be like the governments and ignore what is coming, or be like them and become alarmist about who lives and dies, etc...   we have to do with what we have to prepare for what is to come.   We cannot rely on governments anymore at all, we must be an anarchy of groups, who come together for group survival... in a way.   I do not care what you think.  There are enough people grounded in love and youth to work through our hostilities and start getting together the larger triage unit ever brought into existence, shelter during an apocalyptical epoch.   I have been around those who want to ignore this, and will go underground.    I pity them. The seed is there.  We

supernatural... again

  The first episode was deeply disturbing.  I did not like the Demon inside of Jack, let alone the ghost of john wayne gacy, who none of the usual laws seem to apply to that they make for the episode, so he has been slapped in.  I hate that some can still break my heart, a bit, Supernatural I thought an ally for most of this, even when the truth was harsh.  I am eternally grateful to them regardless of how they feel toward me at this point. I do not and could not ever wish any of them any harm.  They did time, and... Lord, I would not trade places with many in this, I think...  I did not mean to make everyone feel terrified. I do not want to terrify anyone.  I will not be a party to civilians dying to make a point.  Period.  Ever.  I am never going to be a threat to my city.  I can do much before anyone comes close to here and they will know a shot has been fired that will be heard around the world that day.   I pray this never comes, that such a shot need never be fired, that our

Supernatural's Apocolypse... will it be avoided again?

Every show fears the apocalypse, though the word only means Great Time Of Change, not the end of time, etc.  I fear there has been plenty of emotional stock placed into the word over the years, as generation after cultic generation, saw people proclaim this was coming and it did not, yet the same words rang true for each new generation, Oh the end is here. Now Now we are there.  My mission to see resources changed, and seize the means of production, as they say, or taxing them into responsible citizens, whatever...  the same end comes.  We must be the saviors here, because the government is working for interests who do not care about what happens to the masses.  All people, rich and poor, old and young.  They must be our concern despite their beliefs or their pasts, our prejudices or theirs.  Such things should become meaningless, the stuff of dusty history books.  I doubt we will live long enough to see all people agree on everything, so those who care the most, and are willing to

secretish blogs... from the once great promoter, who should have watched what the wished for.

I am nothing but a message.  Not even a messenger with another life, who will deliver other messages.  I am the message.  I am here.  Life is over.  I will hopefully not live to see it.  I do not want and will not be the cause of it, that is a vow I do not have to take, just true. I do not want to be seen as insane or ungrateful.  I expected at some point my mild eccentricities would be eclipsed by my generosity with wealth and fame.  Or something.  I wanted more than anything to be normal, yet despised normal -- my intelligence did not allow me to fit in.  Period.  I lacked the graces the neo liberals require, and the mind the intellectuals would find original -- I am not original at all, except by error in not following the norm, in many cases. I have come across a problem that is too large for me to think about.  Now a part of me does want to save my ass.  I cannot allow that to be my moral compass however.  Holding onto mortality like it is the be all and end all is ridicu

KEEPING ORDER IN CLIMATE DRIVEN CHAOS.... dream a little dream of me.

John Scott Ridgway Just now · In a righteous, natural society, like a wolf pack. The strong will die to protect the weak. In our un-natural society, the weak die to protect the strong. This has caused un-natural cruelty to rule among the leaders of humans. This must be corrected by any means necessary, if humans are to re-enter nature enough to see we are part of an ecosystem, not a lone human, but a component of an organism, in which we are both cancer and surgeon. I am not sure of my position, other than to steer as much power as possible to the people through Unions.  This is the only collective bargaining left, besides the streets, and I am reluctant to even think of protesters after what I fear happened last time.   I keep expecting to be this diminished relic on the side of the road, and then finding out again and again from my enemies that you know how much I despise being pointed out on tv, or even having to think about being watched.

Sermons on The Apocolypse

    We see science now saying we are going into an end times, for most.   I am not going to mix politics with religion on this.  I am not going to say this was seen by bible prophets, etc...  I like most think they were using metaphors, talking about specific events -- like perhaps a flood where a man had to save his herd, rather than his neighbors, to survive a flood.  Then it became people actually thinking a man put all these animals on a ship... and it becomes ridiculous.     Most of what I call old salt is possibly biblical interpretation, to make the least of the heresies I will expound on.  I will also admit my ignorance, and always keep in mind that all man's knowledge is foolishness to God, as a particularly  intelligent person somehow got in the bible.   The Jesus part of me believes I left myself clues, passages that I allowed no one to change, though allowing the free will to interpret them however...   reminders to myself of who I am.   As a child, I feared somehow s

Jesus Prose for The Book

I have been writing about what was coming, what has come, and what will be for many years now.  Since my abrupt awakening into a creature feared as supernatural,  others for my allies in war.  That was a long time ago, when I was begging to be put in a cave for ten years to think about the implications of what this creature was, is, and means...  and instead was thrown into a war, another brainwashed guy to use in a mission …  who refused to give up when it seemed all was lost.  Asked why I walked around with my chest puffed out, when those who did not know of the larger apparatus behind the happenings, thought I was some internet fluke....  I did not know the reasons they said this at the time, how many how died, went to jail or probably worse, because they revolted when I asked and expected further orders. I was surprised as hell anyone was listening to me.  I did not know many had known about me forever,  Catholics, GOD LOVE THEM, driven mad by this creature who was playing the pa

Thank you for coming, I hope to be of service.

I saw the messages, from friend and foe now that I am being watched and with that comes certain expectations.  Before I was at war with everyone it seemed, because all I heard about was what I considered crimes I would not even think of, let alone carry out. the below is a mistake I cannot seem to get rid of. 2 Nigel Todman If anyone needs 3D Printed parts. I can do that :) (Shipping from Canada) Yesterday, I said YOU ARE NOT WELCOME.... then heard later something about a dragon breaking down and a woman being hurt.  SINCE I have no idea if this relates or not, should it...  I want to be very clear that I am not in this for me.   I am not expecting respect.  I am sure as hell not going to accept being treated as special by divine right, whether there is truth in this or not.   I believe God chose me for this task because I am not corruptible, would choose to die first, and God does not want that, and neither do I.   Despite t

new drawings and in progress....



I have written a few books on line.  This gives me instant feed back, and I know some like to see the book develop...  or so my writer's ego says.   I of course edit and make changes from what is in here in the final manuscript.   I like to be poetic in my prose in the end, spend a lot of time on things, but the internet has given me too much lee way to publish what editors might call unfinished.  This book is about Jesus, as was one of my others, and he narrates.  He is little like the myths laid on his shoulders over the years, though there are terrifying aspects to him as a creature not of this world, exactly.... he is not even sure what he is, though he is sure that he does not care.   This book will take place twenty five years from now, basically, though I will not use a time frame in the book … because who knows?   Jesus is back for the apocalypse, humanity just never imagined they would cause it themselves... or as a scientist I recently read put forth, possibly indust